The timezone of your website. Hexo uses the setting on your computer by default. You can find the list of available timezones here. Some examples are America/New_York, Japan, and UTC.
A custom config file path can be specified by adding the --config flag to your hexo commands with a path to an alternate YAML or JSON config file, or a comma-separated list (no spaces) of multiple YAML or JSON files.
# use 'custom.yml' in place of '_config.yml' $ hexo server --config custom.yml
# use 'custom.yml' & 'custom2.json', prioritizing 'custom2.json' $ hexo server --config custom.yml,custom2.json
Using multiple files combines all the config files and saves the merged settings to _multiconfig.yml. The later values take precedence. It works with any number of JSON and YAML files with arbitrarily deep objects. Note that no spaces are allowed in the list.
For instance, in the above example if foo: bar is in custom.yml, but "foo": "dinosaur" is in custom2.json, _multiconfig.yml will contain foo: dinosaur.
Overriding Theme Config
Hexo themes are independent projects, with separate _config.yml files.
Instead of forking a theme, and maintaining a custom branch with your settings, you can configure it from your site’s primary configuration file.